Referrer parameters

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Referrer parameters limit resulting statistics by referrers and search engine phrases/words. There are two parts of this page that can be combined together:


Referrer and Referrer Group
Search Phrase and Search Word


Combine them by choosing AND or OR option.


Two values of the same part are related (referrer group text is already contained in referrer page URL, and search word is contained in search phrase text). Therefore, there is no sense to enter both values from the same part (changing clears the other one).





Referrer Group = google


Search Phrase = my search phrase

Sessions referred by Google with "my search phrase" search.


Referrer Group = google


Search Phrase = my search phrase

Sessions referred by Google (with any phrase), or searching for "my search phrase" (with any search engine).


As in other text-based parameters, wildcards are supported.


See also


       Search Engines editor